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📅 Until November 3, 2024: Big Wave Challenge Exhibition
big wave challenge exhibition 2024

The themed exhibition "Surfer – Big Wave Challenge" is on display at the Nazaré Cultural Center and explores the world of giant waves. It features impressive images, stories from legendary surfers, and insights into how these big waves form. It's a great opportunity for ocean and surf enthusiasts to learn more about this fascinating topic.

Exhibition location map:

📅 October 19, 2024:
Surfer Big Wave Challenge Awards 2024
Forecast** of significant days for strong waves (summary updated on October 21, 2024):
📅 October 19-23, 2024: big* waves possible
3rd strong swell of the new big wave season for winter 2024/2025, since Saturday afternoon, expected to generate big* waves (see legend below), at least on sunday when the swell should be strongest.

This forecast may change or shift in timing.
Check the forecast again in the coming days; the further away the date, the greater the likelihood of changes.

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📅 Forecast for relevant upcoming days

The current giant wave season, running from October 2024 to April 2025, is finally beginning. Besides the nearby forecasts above, check out the long-range forecast (for the coming weeks):

📅 October 26-30, 2024: big* waves possible
Strong swell entering with some wind, expected to generate big* waves (see legend below), at least in some days of this period.

This forecast is still a few days away and may change or shift in timing.
Check the forecast again in the coming days; the further away the date, the greater the likelihood of changes.

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📅 November 1-4, 2024: medium-sized* waves
A new swell arriving in early November, with light offshore winds, is expected to generate well-formed medium-sized* waves (see the legend below), at least on some days during this period.

This forecast is a few days away, it may change or shift in the coming days.
Check the forecast again in the coming days, the further out it is, the higher the chance the forecast will change.

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🕰️ Recent Forecast History
📅 October 17-18, 2024: big* waves
2nd strong swell entering the new big wave season / winter 2024/2025, should generate big* waves (see legend below).
On the 17th (Thursday), there will be a lot of wind, which is expected to mess up the waves a bit.
However, on the 18th (Friday), the wind will drop significantly, allowing well-formed waves suitable for surfing, although the swell will already be decreasing in power.

This forecast is still a few days away and may change or shift in timing.
Check the forecast again in the coming days; the further away the date, the greater the likelihood of changes.

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📅 October 9, 2024: giant* waves storm

This will be the first truly strong swell of the new big wave season for winter 2024/2025, which starts in October, as September was weak.

Finally, during this period, a swell is coming that promises to generate giant waves (see legend below), ranging from 12 to 15 meters high, starting in the afternoon in Portugal, but unfortunately they will be affected by the extreme wind caused by the remnants of Hurricane Kirk. It will be a stormy day, and there might not be any big wave surfing. This hurricane, which formed in the open Atlantic, will still reach the coast with strong winds.
The Atlantic Ocean is particularly active at the moment, with several major storms.

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📅 October 10, 2024: big* waves
Continuation of the very strong swell from the previous day (already decreasing in intensity throughout the day), generated by Hurricane Kirk in the open sea, but this time with little wind on the coast, which should allow for the formation of well-shaped big waves, some around 10 meters, big but not giant.
There may be big wave surfing.

The forecast may change.

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Nazaré Big Wave Challenge
🏄 Annual surfing competition info

The next "Nazaré Big Wave Challenge" surfing competition event is expected to return during the winter season in Portugal: 2024/2025 (1 November to 31 March).

Last surf competition event "Nazaré Big Wave Challenge"
FINISHED on Monday, January 22, 2024

Check more info about the surf anual surf competition Nazaré Big Wave Challenge.
Big waves season
🌊 October 2024 to March 2025

📅🌊❄️ Big Waves Annual Calendar:
The next big wave season starts in September/October 2024 and lasts until March/April 2025.

Tourist Tips:
See more information on when to go to Nazaré and how long you should stay to see the giant waves, in addition to other tips for tourists.

🏄 Surfers:
More and more surfers from all over the world are coming to challenge the big waves of Nazaré. On the days when there are good waves, ranging from small to giant waves, it's guaranteed that there will be surfers in the water, providing a spectacle for those watching from the hillside of the lighthouse and North Beach (Praia do Norte).

See published news history >>

Nazaré Big Waves News

Follow regular news about the big waves of Nazaré - Portugal, the biggest waves in the world. View photos, videos and reports about surf sessions, bodyboard and other sports.

* Wave height legend: giant waves +12 meters (+40 feet); big waves +7 meters (+23 feet); medium waves +3 meters (+10 feet); small waves less than 3 meters (10 feet); Indicates that on that day a good amount of waves with the indicated size is expected.
** Note: Forecasts can change/fail, check it regularly here, it will be updated, it is more accurate the closer to the date.