Nazaré Webcams & Report

Nazaré Praia do Norte - WebCam Live

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Nazaré North Canyon View - WebCam Live

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Nazaré Praia do Norte - WebCam Panoramic Live

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Check the live streaming of Nazaré Praia do Norte beachcam. Check the Nazare waves today.

Webcams are the most practical way to see the beach, by desire or curiosity, on days of great swell or on calmer days, and go when big if you can.

Praia do Norte, Nazaré - Surf Forecast Report

Here you can see the detailed surf forecast report of Praia do Norte in Nazaré, Portugal, powered by windguru.
Note: Forecasts can change/fail, check it regularly here, it will be updated, it is more accurate the closer to the date.
Usually when the wave height is above 3 meters (~10 foot) in the forecast (actually the Nazaré canyon can amplify this value 3x), the period of the waves is above 14 seconds and the wind is not very strong and offshore, we have good conditions for big waves! Check the windguru Nazare forecast in the table bellow:

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Note: You can switch the wave height units between meters (m) and feet (ft). (Press for more information)
You can switch the wave height units between meters (m) and feet (ft) by accessing the first column in the table header (expand it if it's not visible). In the 'Wave (unit)' row, press '(m)' or '(ft)' to change the unit.

To see real-time monitoring of values measured by buoys in the sea off Nazaré, visit the website Monican from the "Instituto Hidrográfico" of Portugal. You can view wave height and period, the wind, and another data, measured in different areas of the canyon in real time.

Check the video gallery.

Check also the Nazare North Canyon - big waves generator.

Check also the Tourism Nazare.